Daily Delight

I'm a planner. If you are around me you'll always see yellow post-it notes everywhere. My to-do list is never ending. Sometimes I write things that I've already done on my list just so I can have the satisfaction of crossing them off.
Life. It can be so chaotic. We focus so much on what needs to happen in our every day. We make our lists, make our plans and sometimes we overwhelm ourselves. When my list gets too long I feel defeated, as if I'll never see the last thing checked off. This is when Satan always creeps in and steals my joy.
Today as it's my first day home and back to work after a weekend trip, nothing is going right so far and I'm having major setbacks. My to-do list is larger than the amount of coffee that I have been drinking to keep me awake and I'm tired. And my best friend has already had to remind me that my work is going to be exactly where I left it. Point being, I need to rest so I can do my best work and that I need to give myself some grace.
In the midst I have been reminded to "be still". How often I get caught up in the whirlwind of this life and all of my lists that I force myself to get done in a more than timely manner! But God says in Psalm 46:10 (NIV). "Be still and know that I am God."
I cannot do these things without God. He gives us strength but also calls us sometimes to block out the chaos and just "be". Jonny Diaz has a wonderful song to emulate this called "Breathe". Take a break, give it a listen, show yourself some grace, and, most importantly, just be still. 
About the Author

Emily Buckallew
≫ ≫ Emily is a small town girl who grew up in rural Northeast Missouri. She's a wife to her husband of seven years and mother to a sweet little girl who is almost three. She is a professional portrait photographer in Northeast Missouri -- Infinite Joy Photography. She loves to spend time with her family, write and read when she has time. She is actively involved in her church and bible study group and loves her coffee!

Emily lives with her heart on her sleeve and finds the greatest joy in giving to others. She finds the most inspiration looking through the camera lens and seeing the beauty God has created. She hopes that others will find encouragement through the words the Lord leads her to write.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight