Daily Delight

Can I be honest about something?
I’m not always the best Christian. In truth, more often than I care to admit, I’m a pretty lousy Christian.
I would like to say that I always respond exactly as Jesus would in frustrating and disappointing situations. I would like to say that I always grab every witnessing opportunity immediately and talk about God and His goodness to anyone who will listen. I would like to say that my faith is always bigger than my fear.
But, if I’m being honest, I have to admit that I often respond with anger and accusation before asking God for His opinion. I often let opportunities to share my story slip away due to fear of being too pushy or personal. If I’m being honest, fear drives more of my decisions than faith ever has.
I don’t read ten chapters of the Bible every day. Sometimes I don’t open my Bible for days because I’m too busy, too tired, or, in all honesty, too lazy.
I write devotions, but I’m not always devoted.
I sometimes respond loudly instead of lovingly.
I believe in Jesus, but I belittle His work in my life.
Maybe you have no idea where I’m coming from because you’re perfect in every way. But, just in case you’re a flaw-filled, fearful, mess like me, I have some good news: Jesus knows, and He Loves us anyway.
That doesn’t mean we should never try to do or be better. It simply means when we miss the mark to be perfect, (“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” [Rom. 3:23 HCSB]), and we fall flat on our faces, Jesus picks us up and says, “You were never meant to be perfect. Your flaws and weaknesses are where you see just how much you need Me and just how incredibly undeserved My grace really is “…for my power is made perfect in weakness” (1 Cor. 12:9).
The grace of God isn’t a free pass to sin and slack off, it is the beauty of God whispering, I’ve never expected you to be perfect, I just want you to experience my perfect Love. 
{photo: @jadaiye}
About the Author

Bethany Boynton
≫ ≫ Bethany is a twenty-three-year-old blogger, newlywed, and book addict living in central Kentucky. There are few things she loves more than having a strong cup of coffee with a good book or a group of girlfriends. Bethany strongly believes in the importance of vulnerability, authenticity, and sharing one's story of God's Love and Grace. To connect with her and learn more be sure to check out the Choosing Jesus Blog at BethanyBoynton.com.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight