Daily Delight

What kind of life could we live, if we lived knowing and remembering just how loved we are by God?
Since I can remember, I’ve lived in fear of not living up, proving myself to everyone, striving to be accepted. I have also lived in constant grief of my sin and the weight of it. 
Growing up, the more that life through at me, the harder I tried to fix, do, or prove. I knew of Christ, but didn’t really have a relationship with Him. I had heard about this incredible God who forgave us for our sins, who loved us, and cherished us. Yet, this God seemed so far out of reach to me. He seemed distant and unattainable. IF this God was real, why would He choose to love someone like me? Why would He choose to save me, redeem me, and show mercy on me?
Because He is Love, Mercy, and Grace.
The truth is, our past and even future sins have been nailed to the Cross. God doesn’t see our brokenness in disgust or even anger towards us. He sees us, and weeps for our hurt, feels our pain, and sits in it with us to work all things together for our good. All of them. 
There is absolutely nothing that can remove or separate us from the love of Christ. Not one thing can change how He loves us, sees us, and who we are in Him. Jesus, sweet sister, is the filter that God sees us through. He sees us through the blood of the Cross. What if we spent our days, our lives remembering this? What if we walked in this truth day in and day out? When we fail, when we miss the mark? When we fall so hard, that you just can’t see how you’ll get back up? He is able. Romans 6 talks about us living this new life in Christ Jesus. A NEW LIFE – Set FREE from the power of sin and it’s persecution. Our Father has this for us! 
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. -Romans 8:38
Be encouraged, wonderful women of the Lord! We have been made new in Christ Jesus! This means that old things have passed away, and new things have been created. You are enough in Him, and in this messy and hard process, you are safe in His arms. You are deeply loved, seen, and not forgotten. You are HIS daughter, and in Jesus name, we you are an overcomer.
{photo: @elissagram}

Alexandra Hoover

Daily Delight


Daily Delight