Daily Delight

“Maybe I just missed God this time,” was what I resigned myself to think when something didn’t pan out the way I thought it would have recently. I felt Him in it, looked for signs and told a few people so that they could pray with me. I saw signs, but were they for someone else and not me? Was I not supposed to tell anyone? Was I supposed to eat a different cereal than what I did in order for God to answer my request? 
Where did I go wrong? 
Isn't that what we do? Look for which behavior was the slip up, which step I missed in the "follow these top 10 signs to have your prayers answered."  Or maybe that just wasn't His voice at all. Maybe it was mine. Perhaps I contrived it to be God when it was just me. 
And in my questioning, in my reasoning and trying to figure it out and combing it with a cheap 10 cent comb to find where I went wrong, I hear Him ask, "Do you trust me?"  "I sure want to," I respond. "Then why don't you?"  
Im currently without answers but am laying down my quest in exchange for time with Him.  Knowing and believing, trusting and worshipping, just being and feeling Him in the waiting.  Hoping in the longing. Recognizing my need to be still and let God be God. And let Him work all of it out.    
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." -Proverbs 3:5-6
{photo: @elissagram}
About the Author

Jill Parr
≫ ≫ Singer. Speaker. Writer. Coffee consumer. Wife. Mom. Mimi. Shoe lover. These are some of the things that make Jill Parr who she is. Although she is passionate about all of these, she might be most passionate about helping women walk into their true identity of who it is that God created them to be.

Parr toured the country as a CCM recording artist, playing festivals and churches for over a decade. Never giving up her dream to sing full time, God started moving her in a new direction in 2009. She started speaking to women and singing less, all while wrestling with the idea of this new season.

Parr’s husband, Brian Hardin, founded the Daily Audio Bible in 2006. Parr is the founder of, “More Gathering” that is sponsored by the Daily Audio Bible, annually. (www.moregathering.com)

Jill and Brian live outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with their 5 kids and first grandchild. They travel extensively throughout the year.

In addition to speaking and singing, Jill enjoys shoe shopping, the outdoors, cooking, fashion, music, painting art all while enjoying great coffee.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight