Daily Delight

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” -Matthew‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭(ESV‬‬)
Last night while I was doing some writing, God spoke a truth I needed to hear into my heart: 

You're allowed to take up room. 
I grew up as the shy girl. Not a shy girl, or one of the shy girls, but the shy girl in everyone’s life that I was close to. As a recovering chronic shy girl, I’m awesome at only taking up about two inches of space in people's’ lives. I’m all, “I’ll let you come to me, and if you don’t, then I’ll give you some space… Like 10,000 feet of it.” 
I came across a phrase the other day that I loved: divine responsibility. The quote that I read this phrase in didn’t mean much to me, but these two words did. I started considering how sharing our story or what God has done for us or speaking what we’re believing God for is our divine responsibility to share. Not just because it’s personally empowering, but because it furthers the kingdom. 
Sharing your story, sharing the gospel, using your talents, loving your life, living from a place of abundance– it all demands a little room. You’re allowed to take up that room. Allow yourself to take up space. Allow yourself to pour out and to be poured into. Give yourself some room to be creative, adopt Christ’s peace, try something new, take a different path, start something you’re called to. 2 Tim 1:7: For God did not call us to a spirit of fear, but of boldness and self-control. You are valuable. Your story is important. 
What you have to offer is good. Share the light you've been given. Own your space. 
About the Author

Shelby Lung≫ ≫ Shelby is a Midwestern wife working as a photographer by day and blogger by night. She is the writer behind the abundant lifestyle blog, Soulfully Shea, where she posts about faith, wellness, and creativity. She never says no to breakfast for dinner, loves talking to people about their God-dreams, and is addicted to watching HGTV with her woodworker husband. With her background in psychology and biblical studies, she passionately works to encourage women to live well in body, mind, and spirit. You can read her blog at www.soulfullyshea.com


Spotlight Giveaway: White Peach Pottery


Daily Delight