Daily Delight

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me.” 
-Matthew 11:28 (AMP) 
Oh what a restful invitation this is from our Lord Jesus, as He bids us come. Not go...not work...but simply come to Him for our every need. Our loving Lord Jesus is intimately aware of each of our life situations and the deep places in our hearts no one else sees. In love, His voice reaches out to us with the warm invitation to yoke with Him, learn of Him and become His own. He alone is able to renew and refresh our lives. He knows that seasons of hardship and suffering will touch us all, simply because we live in a broken world. Yet our Lord Jesus willingly invites us to join our lives with His, so He can give us rest. 
Even now, He is longing to be gracious to us, if we will call to Him. “He will be very gracious to you at the voice of your cry; when He shall hear it, He will answer you” (Isaiah 30:19, KJV). Jesus offers to be our very life, as well as our burden-bearer and strength for each and every moment of our lives. As we yoke to Him, yielding and surrendering to His Leadership, we find our burdens lighter and ourselves falling into an ever-deepening love relationship with Him that will never come to an end. 
He came to earth to offer His followers life “to the full” (John 10:10). Abundant, vibrant, real, refreshing Life, that restores our souls. No matter what we face, we can take heart, for Jesus has already overcome the world. We are not left to ourselves, dear, beloved sister in Christ. Jesus has conquered for us. We can walk in the victory He won! “Thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph” (2 Corinthians 2:14, AMP). 
May I encourage each of us to daily come to Jesus, yoking to Him, learning of Him in His Word, and we “will find rest, relief, ease and refreshment, recreation and blessed quiet for our souls” (Matthew 11:29). 

About the Author

Ann Marie Michael≫ ≫Ann is a woman with a passion for the Word of God and prayer. She writes openly and authentically from her own life's story of rejection, pain and divorce, and the ways God used these very things to draw her into a deeper and more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Ann continually points others to the Person of Jesus Christ, and to the Bible for their comfort, strength, guidance & healing. Ann also loves doing life with her three daughters, their husbands, her seven grandchildren and taking her German Shepherd dog, Loyal Heart, on daily hikes.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight