Daily Delight

Are you tired? Do you feel stuck and stagnant where you are? Are you tired of complacency? Does it feel like you’re in the wilderness? 

We all get to a point in life where we are unpleased with where we are at. It could be due to a dead-end job, the city you’re living in, or just a place in life you feel like you cannot get out of. Let me be completely honest with you: I have been there one too many times. I know what it feels like. It’s unpleasant. You seek God time and time again asking Him for change, but you still cannot seem to pull yourself out of the rut that you’re in.

Sometimes we need to examine ourselves. What is holding you back? Is it past failures and mistakes? The fear of succeeding? Do you fear being great? Is it laziness? Are you trusting God completely?
In His Word, we learn that God's plan for all of creation is for us to bring glory to His name. In doing so, we begin to see that His faithful fingerprints are all over His handiwork- our lives included (Psalm 48:14 ; Psalm 147:5 ; Micah 6:8 ; Romans 12:2 ; Hebrews 13:20-21 ; Ephesians 1:9-10 ; 1 Thessalonians 5:18).
One thing I have learned is that you cannot move forward if you are constantly looking backwards. You will walk off the path being distracted by what’s behind you in doing so. The things that are holding you back remain in the past. Today, God is waiting for you to trust Him with your “Yes.” You say you surrendered your will for His, but you haven’t completely trusted Him to lead you. Instead you are looking back at past situations, you are listening to the noise of others, or you feel like maybe, just maybe, you can do this all on your own. 
Today, God is saying, “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:18-19) 
It’s time to move forward. Grab His hand, take small steps forward, trust God with your "Yes," and allow Him to do a new thing in you! 
{photo: @elissagram}

About the Author

Janteya Ford≫ ≫ Janteya Ford is a mother, daughter, sister, and friend. She resides in Minneapolis, MN, where you can find her creating memories with her loved ones, dining at a fancy restaurant, sipping espresso at a cozy coffee shop, or checking out art at one of her favorite museums. She is currently pursuing her passions as an entrepreneur through various ventures. Her extreme passion for writing and sharing God's amazing love brought her to Daughter of Delight. She prays that she can be a blessing to all who read.

Blog: Teya Talks www.teyatalks.com

Daily Delight


Daily Delight