Daily Delight

Please start today's devotional by reading Proverbs 20.

Our identity describes us. Defines us. It is who we are. It is how we’re portrayed. It determines the legacy we leave behind. How others view us while were here, and how we will be viewed once we are gone. Our identity speaks volumes. To our children, our loved ones, our friends, our mentors, others that look up to us, etc. So let me ask you: What is your state of identity? Are you secure in who you are? Or are you in a current state of identity crisis? 

Let’s look at Google’s definition of these two terms: 
Identity- “a condition or character as to who a person is; their qualities, beliefs, etc. that distinguish them
Identity crisis- “uncertainty or confusion in which a person’s sense of identity becomes insecure; typically due to a change in their expected or normal role in society” 
If we are not careful, we can become in a state of identity crisis before our very eyes. Satan swoops in-in our most vulnerable states to steal our security. Our morals. Our values. Who we are, and what we have long built for our legacy. Satan wants us to be confused and insecure. He wants to destroy our Christian motives and goals. He wants us to think that Jesus is not all we need to feel secure in who we are. 
Proverbs 20:3 says, “It is to a man’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.” A person who is truly confident and secure in their identity does not feel the need to prove anything. A person of insecurity in who they are or who they have become however will find it impossible to avoid bitter disagreement or conflict. 
When we accept Christ as our Savior, He is all the identity we need. We do not have to suffer from an identity crisis. Let Jesus secure your identity and set you apart from confusion and insecurities. He is our strength, and in Him our character is found and we may have hope (Romans 5:3-4). 

Jesus is all we need to be who and what we need to be. 
{photo: @victorialemosphotography}

About the Author

Ashley Thrift≫ ≫ Ashley is a happy homemaker; a proud wife of her handsome and hard-working high-school sweetheart, and a very blessed mom of three amazing, crazy and energetic kiddos. In the good ole' southern upstate of SC, where Ashley is from, you will find her devoting herself to Jesus first, being a wife and mama second, and striving to be an overall woman of proverbs 31. When she is not running frantically off of coffee (chasing toddlers or carpooling; rushing to the the dance studio or ball fields), she is settled intimately in her Bible listening for the whispers of God. She also enjoys small group Bible studies with her mama friends, writing to serve God through her church writing team (NewSpring.cc) and her blog <www.p31shelaughs.com>, and still dating her husband even after seventeen years. She wears strength and dignity with laughter in her heart as she trusts God's faithfulness which has already assured her works all things to his glory (Proverbs 31:25). She knows that her story is being written by the one Almighty, and by His glory she tries to embrace what He is teaching her through each chapter- living on grace.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight