Daily Delight

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like you were sinking? It’s like you’re in a swimming pool and the water is deeper than you expected. Six months ago I stepped into a new role at a new church in a new country. Don’t get me wrong, this has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. But there are days where I’m treading water, trying to keep myself afloat because I feel like I’m not enough for what God is calling me to.
Feeling inadequate can be caused by a myriad of situations—perhaps someone has seared us with their words—but sometimes we are the ones that speak lies over ourselves. These take root and grow into weeds in our hearts and minds, choking any attempt at growth and breath. So often this can lead to a cycle of shame or self-punishment. This all happens because we are failing to meet a standard that we were never actually asked to meet. Let me reiterate that: Jesus never asked you to meet any sort of standard before He saved you.

In all our feelings of inadequacy, of never feeling enough, we can trust one thing: Jesus is enough. Despite my shortcomings, He never falls short. Jesus met the standard of perfection long before I could ask Him to. He made the first move in order to make us whole, to make us enough, and to make us righteous before Him. “And there is still much more to say of his unfailing love for us! For through the blood of Jesus we have heard the powerful declaration, 'You are now righteous in my sight. And because of the sacrifice of Jesus, you will never experience the wrath of God'” (Romans 5:9, TPT). Because of His sacrifice, we are declared as righteous. It is not in ourselves we are made to be enough, but it is His enough-ness that makes it so. We are free from punishment because He has taken the penalty for us. His grace is there for all your deepest needs (Hebrews 4:16). Choose to believe the Truth today, even if your feelings don’t match up. You are holy, blameless and chosen (Ephesians 1:4). 
About the Author
Steph McGown
Steph loves Jesus, coffee and music- anything folk, alternative or Taylor Swift. You’ll normally find her sitting in her favourite spot at her local coffee store, she is a creature of habit. Originally from Ireland, Steph recently moved to Thunder Bay, Ontario, to work as worship and creative arts intern at Redwood Park church. It’s the best decision she has ever made. 
Her heart is for the local church and she avidly believes in the role of community in the lives of followers of Jesus.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight