Daily Delight

Ladies, let me be real with you, okay?
Community is hard. Sometimes it is straight up difficult.
Now I am a reserved introvert and I have been hurt by many people in many ways so far in my twenty-something life. It is not easy for me to open up and trust people, especially when I don’t really know them. I have been hurt deeply by the church, and sadly, those wounds have remained since I left that particular community several years ago.

The thing is, we are all human. We are all sinners. Just because we are Christians doesn’t mean we’re perfect. It simply means we are forgiven sinners and sin seems to hurt more in the Christian circles. We have to learn to forgive the wrongdoings and remember that sin is innate. Satan would love nothing more than to use sin to disrupt the body of Christ.

So you should rather turn to forgive and comfort [her]…” (2 Corinthians 2:7a, ESV). 
“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing” (1Thessalonians 5:11, ESV).
The Christian community, the bride of Christ, is to be an example to the rest of the world. If we have hate towards one another, are gossiping and slandering each other, choosing to hold grudges and grow bitter, then that’s not a biblical example of the body of Christ and it’s also not a biblical lifestyle.

I know, believe me I know, that there are going to be other believers you come across that your personalities just don’t mix. There are going to be differing opinions that arise, but that is when you have the opportunity to practice what a Christian should be living out daily – patience, forgiveness, slow to speak and slow to anger, a willingness to listen and live in harmony.

Let us practice really loving our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. With a world that is growing more and more hostile to Christians, having a support system that lives in harmony and has the Holy Spirit dwelling inside them is what we really need. 

About the Author

Casey Leigh Gordon≫ ≫Casey is a 24 year old whose heart is for the LORD, global missions, and for others to grow in their faith. She runs the abide.collective account on Instagram, where she shares encouragement and truth in raw honesty. 

In addition to Instagram, you can also find her on her new blog, abidecollective.wordpress.com . In her spare time you'll find Casey either with her nose in a book or out hiking with her pup.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight