Daily Delight

…For you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me. -Psalm 63:7-8 

It is so easy to get discouraged about where we are in life. We start comparing our stage of life to the person next to us and it makes us doubt and wonder why God has not moved us like He moved them.

Most of my friends are set in their jobs and what they want in life. Sometimes I feel like the odd one out wanting to change jobs every six months and still not having a clue what I am supposed to be doing. But isn’t that the beauty of it? While I may not know what God wants me to do right now, I can trust in Him and put all of my faith in His ultimate plan. While I may not be an Astronaut or in medical school, God can use me greatly right where I am. And while I may not know what the next year will bring, I can hope unswervingly in His divine will.

David writes, “in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy”. Being in the shadow of God’s wings is the best place to be. When you are in someone’s shadow it means you are following them, and that is exactly what we need to do with God; wherever He goes, we go. If He makes a turn, we make a turn. He knows our future and He knows where to lead us, so why do we try to get there on our own?

Sometimes I feel like a stray dog trying to find where I am supposed to be going, but I have to remind myself, being under God’s wing is the best to place to be. The enemy wants to throw us off track by having us compare our life to our best friend’s life, but God has so much for us than that. Maybe you are like me and you honestly have no clue what you are supposed to be doing. 

Do not get discouraged; you are in God’s shadow. In His timing, He will reveal things to you and take you where you are designed to be. But for now, take comfort in His wings and serve Him to the best of your ability right where you are. 
{photo: @missy_e}
About the Author

Jessica Calhoun≫ ≫ A lover of all things coffee, extremely introverted, and very tall, Jessica is an old soul with her home in Birmingham, Alabama. As a newlywed, she is experiencing the unrelenting pursuit of Christ shown through the love of her husband. Through her passion of writing, she hopes to share the love of Christ with those who encounter the words He gives her. When she isn’t helping brides find their dream wedding gown or having coffee dates with her best friends, you can find her curled up on the couch with her fur baby, watching Gilmore Girls, and eating Frosted Flakes. 

If you want to follow along her journey of pursuing her passion, check out her blog: graceandmagnolias.wordpress.com.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight