Daily Delight

For almost two years now, I’ve been waiting for God to change an area of my life. During this time, moments have come when I’ve thought God brought me to the end of this season, but then suddenly, I’m back where I started. My timing, not yours, the Lord tells me. I acknowledge this truth but become discouraged as I begin to doubt myself—and His plan for my life. But when I question His plan, the Spirit puts these two reminders on my heart:

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men." -Colossians 3:23 (ESV)

Take action in the waiting.

Along with prayer, demonstrate to God how much you want it. At my former job, while I admired the company, I didn’t have a lot of passion for the work and desired a new opportunity. While looking for a new job, one of my colleagues unexpectedly left, and I was given the majority of her workload. I worked hard to give those projects the time and effort they needed, and God noticed. Three months later, He blessed me with a new job. Are you sitting back to see what happens, or are you working hard without complaint and showing the Lord how much you desire what you’re asking from Him? “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances," (Philippians 4:11, NIV). 

Be content in the waiting. 
As I approach year three of my waiting season, the Spirit has put on my heart to stay content exactly where I am. The more upset I become with each setback, the more I lose hope and lack faith. We’ve all been there, and Satan loves to greet us when we arrive. Instead, think about Jesus paying the ultimate price for your life. Think of where you’d be today without Him in your life—this thought is always the most sobering to me. Stand firm in faith, knowing that goodness is ahead—maybe close, maybe far. 
And when God brings your waiting season to an end, you may find, because you stayed content and persevered through it, that the end comes as an unexpected and welcome surprise. 
{photo: @elissagram}
About the Author
Lindsay Weiskittel≫ ≫ Raised in the Mitten state, Lindsay’s love for the written word began at a very young age—in fact, you could often find her with a pad of paper, penning what she dreamed would someday become the next great American novel. After graduating college, a new adventure awaited in NYC, where she pursued a career in book publishing. Almost four years later, God called her back home to Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she currently resides and works as a writer and editor. Many things bring Lindsay joy these days, including fellowship with her friends, cheering on the Michigan State Spartans, the perfect cup of Earl Grey tea and planning a wedding with the amazing man God designed for her.



Daily Delight


Daily Delight