Daily Delight

Today was one of those days where nothing seemed to go right.  Actually this whole week.  Our washing machine broke, our refrigerator partially broke, I got two nails in my tire that had to be repaired, and two sessions (I'm a photographer) cancelled on me.  In the midst of my grandma with pancreatic cancer and counting her days, as well as a miscarriage.  I've been reading the book ¨Choosing Gratitude¨ by Nancy DeMoss and it has completely opened my eyes.  
At first with all of these things piling up my thought would be to whine.  To complain about how rough life is (and I've still had my share of those thoughts). To text my friends and tell them all about it. But this book helps show a different perspective.  
What if our first response was gratitude?  Our washer is broken, but I have an amazing sister that's been doing my laundry. Our refrigerator water part broke, but we still have a faucet and the whole thing at least isn't broken.  I got two nails in my tire, but I didn't get stranded along side the road and my brother-in-law fixed it right away. My sessions cancelled on me, but it gave me more time to see my grandma with pancreatic cancer.  Look at the small things. Look at the blessings you DO have!
¨Do everything without complaining and arguing so that no one can criticize you.¨  -Philippians 2:13-14 (NIV)
God doesn't call us to not complain about some things. He calls us to do everything without complaining or arguing. Do you know how hard that is in a society of complainers?  I so badly wanted to text my friends at certain times in the day and complain about everything going on. But God has a reason for everything, my friends. Choose to find what the Lord has in store for you in each day. Don't waste it away by complaining. You miss the blessings!  
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You've heard the hymn "Count your blessings". Take a look closely at those lyrics.  ".....When you are discouraged thinking all is lost, count your many blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done". It's hard to be discouraged when we really sit back and think of all of the blessings we are thankful for. I challenge you to make sure to count your blessings this week! When you would rather complain, be thankful!
Photo: @dreacoci

About the Author

Emily Buckallew
≫ ≫ Emily is a small town girl who grew up in rural Northeast Missouri. She's a wife to her husband of seven years and mother to a sweet little girl who is almost three. She is a professional portrait photographer in Northeast Missouri -- Infinite Joy Photography. She loves to spend time with her family, write and read when she has time. She is actively involved in her church and bible study group and loves her coffee!

Emily lives with her heart on her sleeve and finds the greatest joy in giving to others. She finds the most inspiration looking through the camera lens and seeing the beauty God has created. She hopes that others will find encouragement through the words the Lord leads her to write.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight