Daily Delight
“So it is God who decides to show mercy. We can neither choose it nor work for it.”
-Romans 9:16 (NLT)
Have you ever worked hard for something? It could have been a school exam, job promotion, or an audition for a show. You pour all of your time and energy into succeeding, achieving, or receiving that task or title, and once you receive it you wear it like a badge of honor.
That is how I have spent the past few years of my faith walk. Feeling guilty for my imperfection and shortcomings, I’ve tried to work to become worthy of God’s mercy. Even as I write this, that phrase gives me pause: worthy of God’s mercy. Simply put, that is impossible.
The Oxford Dictionary defines mercy as: “Compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.” It is not possible to work to earn compassion or a withholding of punishment once you have wronged someone.They hold the power to either condemn or show compassion. The best we can do is attempt to win favor again.
Kira Echeandia
The reason it is impossible to be worthy of God’s mercy is because we already are. We do not have to attempt to win the favor of God, because we already have it through Jesus. “Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty of our sins” (Romans 3:24, NLT).
If you are like me and you have been working to earn God’s mercy and grace, know these two things:
You’re not alone.
You can stop striving.
God is merciful.
You can stop striving.
God is merciful.
You can rest in the knowledge that Jesus died that we might have right standing with God (Romans 5:19). Not only that, but God delights in showing mercy!
“Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy." -Micah 7:18 (NLT)
About the Author
Kira is a recent transplant to the Dallas-Ft. Worth area who is passionate about Jesus, social justice, and baked goods. She loves to travel and can be found in Belgium consuming copious amounts of chocolate about once a year. Her dream is to start a business that incorporates both intentional community and sustainable consumerism but is still praying about what this could look like. Kira is both thrilled and honored to write for Daughter of Delight in this season and looks forward to seeing where her passion for writing will take her.