Daily Delight

Many times, a dream job can become a nightmare because of a toxic boss. This is my experience and like many believers who are working in corporate nightmares and war zones of some type, every day, I make a choice to figure out a way to manage my bad boss. It takes effort, but I allow the same Spirit of God that protected David while he was working in the courts of Saul to provide me with the best coping strategies to make it through the day.

After David defeated Goliath, he was entrusted with important responsibilities in Saul’s royal household. While there, he served with integrity and modesty and quickly earned the affection of those around him, including Saul. “Whatever mission Saul sent him on, David was so successful that Saul gave him a high rank in the army. This pleased all the troops, and Saul's officers as well" (1 Samuel 18:5 NIV). But God’s blessing on David and his favor among the people of Israel quickly led Saul to become jealous and angry. And as his hatred increased, he looked for opportunities to take David’s life. Still even amidst Saul’s negative influence, not once are we told that David gave in to or gossiped about Saul and the injustices that he experienced under his leadership. But time and time again, we see a young man, showing tremendous empathy, respect and value for the life of a tortured leader.

David’s formula has helped me to cope with my own Saul. Before leaving my apartment, I ask the Holy Spirit to take charge of my emotions. On my way to work, I also ask God to create an opportunity for me to minister to my leader because God cares about toxic bosses too. I also make a choice to show empathy and understanding rather than bitterness and judgement. For, like David, I cannot allow a difficult leader to distract me from being the person God wants me to be in this season. Through continuing to make this choice each day by the power of the Spirit, my prayer is that I can serve Him even more faithfully in the next.

{photo: @fromevelynsheart}

About the Author

Dentrecia Blanchette

Dentrecia is a creative nurturer from the island of St. Kitts who is learning, growing and evolving with Christ, grace and a smile. She is the Founder of Sugar For Your Heart (@sugarforyourheart) – a ministry that’s focused on creating quiet and safe spaces where individuals can explore and better understand and appreciate emotional and spiritual wellness.

Dentrecia is also a counselling psychology graduate student at California Southern University. She is committed to dispelling the myths and stigma associated with seeking mental health treatment, particularly in the Caribbean and Christian community.


Daily Delight


Daily Delights