Daily Delight

Close your eyes, take a deep breath.

There’s something sweet about moments of solitude, those precious seconds where you and God find deep fellowship, that bring unexplainable peace.
You know when rest just seems to fall like a flood? Sometimes we forget the countless times Jesus withdrew from the crowd to dwell with His Father. He found rest to calm the storm, to feed the five thousand, and to cry out to Yahweh in the times He needed strength. (Matthew 14:13, 22)

In this busy holiday season, where we may find ourselves focused on so many other things, God is longing for you to come and dwell. He desires to renew your being. Like a hidden garden, there is delight, refreshment, restored hope, and rest.

This season I feel so deeply that we all desperately need to protect the secret spaces that each of us uniquely have with our Father. We need to make a way for His presence in the wilderness. 

There, He cultivates wonder as He reveals and plants within us the mysteries of His heart. 
There, He transforms our hearts as we we partner with Him in the garden we each share with Him.
There, He imparts peace, security, courage and a strength that cannot be compared. 
For our Father delights in us and longs to romance our souls with the living, rejuvenating water of His presence. The cry of my heart: in the wildness of the storms within and around us, we run to our Father who is longing with all His heart to bring our souls rest. 

Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me,
for in you I take refuge.

I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings

until the disaster has passed.

I cry out to God Most High,
to God, who vindicates me.

He sends from heaven and saves me,
rebuking those who hotly pursue me—
God sends forth his love and his faithfulness.

-Psalm 57:1-3
{pictured: @stephespineli ; photo: @bendulay777}

About the Author

Jess Palmer
Jess is a designer and innovator in Pretoria, South Africa. Her heart is to express the beauty of our Father’s heart through all forms of art, but mainly through her design, poetry and photography. She desires to invest in the lives of people around her — to journey with them in cultivating their God-given potential. If anywhere, you will find Jess musing in a coffee shop or wandering contemplatively in a garden.
Check out her design on Instagram: @salt.seed

Daily Delight


Daily Delight