Daily Delight

"He is our vine, and we are the branches" -John 15:1 
A constant reminder of His relentless pursuit of His love for us. I remember the first time that this verse really pierced my heart. I was going through such a hard season of trial. Everything felt uncertain and lost. I was being purged, pruned, and tended to- and it was incredibly uncomfortable.

I mean, how could such a loving God allow me to feel so much pain and discomfort within His will? How was I going to make it out of this season? 
It was so dark and confusing. I thought I had it all down- read more, pray more, focus more. Less distractions, more doing to achieve peace and joy. I wanted to make the process go quicker. I wanted the season to be over with. I didn’t understand that what was happening was good, so good. I was experiencing growing pains, and God was tending to His daughter’s needs. 

Bearing good fruit doesn’t mean just being good or doing good- it means allowing God to come in and do a Holy and Good work in your heart.
It means allowing Him to love us through whatever season we are in, and remember that He is with us, in it all. We must remember that we are not doing this on our own, that our Father alone is the root to our why. 
In the midst of one of the most trying seasons, God whispered His sweet love over me, and reminded me of this truth: He is the vine, and I am the branch. Without our Father, we would forever be trying to fix, heal, and correct our own mistakes. We can’t do anything without Him. 
He is our vine, the heart beat to our life. He is the One that tends to the deepest parts of your heart; the One who looks at it all, and works to heal, redeem and restore all of what has been broken. Our greatest fruit to bear, is to be able to love each other well ; to be His disciples, and Glorify Him. Let us stay focused on the One who can and will do more in us and others, than we could ever do ourselves.

"Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." -John 15:4 
{photo: @elissagram}



Alexandra Hoover

Daily Delight


Daily Delight