Daily Delight

There are times that I let my week dictate my worth. Bad choices can make me question if I'm even worthy of the things that God has for me...as if He's after my behavior and not my heart. 

My sin is a stark reminder of my need for a Savior. If I let the weight of my sin pile on me, I wouldn't be able to move. Repentance is necessary but often, I let the voice of guilt and shame win and when they win, I stay stuck in unworthiness instead of letting Jesus heal, redeem and renew. 
No matter what kind of week you've had, no matter what bad choices you've made, no matter how much money may or may not be in your bank account, if you missed your house payment, didn't hit the weight goal or maybe gained a few unwanted pounds, remember that we have every right to run to the One who loves us, sees us and knows us intimately. 
Repentance is necessary. Redemption is inevitable. Run boldly to His throne today.

"Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." 
-Hebrews 4:14-16 
{photo: @byhannahrose

                          About the Author

                                               Jill Parr
≫ ≫ Singer. Speaker. Writer. Coffee consumer. Wife. Mom. Mimi. Shoe lover. These are some of the things that make Jill Parr who she is. Although she is passionate about all of these, she might be most passionate about helping women walk into their true identity of who it is that God created them to be.

Parr toured the country as a CCM recording artist, playing festivals and churches for over a decade. Never giving up her dream to sing full time, God started moving her in a new direction in 2009. She started speaking to women and singing less, all while wrestling with the idea of this new season.

Parr’s husband, Brian Hardin, founded the Daily Audio Bible in 2006. Parr is the founder of, “More Gathering” that is sponsored by the Daily Audio Bible, annually. (www.moregathering.com)

Jill and Brian live outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with their 5 kids and first grandchild. They travel extensively throughout the year.

In addition to speaking and singing, Jill enjoys shoe shopping, the outdoors, cooking, fashion, music, painting art all while enjoying great coffee.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight