Daily Delight

My favorite Heath Ledger movie is "A Knights Tale." There is one line that has always resonated with me: "Hope guides me. It is what gets me through the day and especially the night." This world is full of pain, of nights. Every day millions of people are hurting in some way. It is a fallen world. 
I'm not surprised why John 3:16 is the most famous Bible verse. It's riddled with Hope. Jesus. Our only Hope. Our Hope for healing, for redemption, for an end to misery and sin. 
Enter the antagonist; our flesh and satan have it out for us. No surprise there either. Fear is one of, if not, thee biggest, Hope challengers out there. Fear and despair. Worthlessness. Self-hatred. Depression.
We need Jesus. Romans 8:24 says, "Hope means that we must trust and wait for what is still unseen." We need to trust Jesus when He says that He's overcome the world. We need to desire His presence and seek it. We need to stop focusing on our fears, pain and flaws, and fix our eyes on He who came to save us from them. The more you look at Jesus, the less you see despair. Whether that's in a relationship, a job, a child, sickness, a city or a political party. 
We are children of God. Fear is not our inheritance. We have an Almighty God who is not afraid of our questions and cries. Don't try and make it on your own. He has for us, unending grace and a coming day when all will be set right again. Oh glorious day! So when we face fear, and we see no end to pain...we can hold onto Hope and say with confidence, 'He has overcome the world, so I will take heart, for nothing else compares to His love for me. I will not lean on my own understanding. He actually is a good Father. And He guides me. He is what gets me through the day and especially the night.' Matthew 12:21 "...and in his name the Gentiles will hope.” 

About the Author
Lauren Klassen≫ ≫ Lauren loves Jesus and was brought up in a Christian home. Her passions are worship, writing and encouraging women. She has been working with YWAM off and on for a few years and feels called to Europe long term. She is obsessed with mountains and a good chai tea latte.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight