Daily Delight

If you're reading this, God is allowing your heart to beat, He is allowing air to flow through your lungs, there is blood running through your veins, and you were able to open up two wonderful gifts I call eyes to witness a new day. You still have the activity of your limbs to move around, you have your senses to enjoy all that God has made. That in itself should push you to make a joyful noise.

David wrote in the Book of Psalm, “Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name," (Psalms‬ ‭103:1‬ , KJV‬‬). We should always bless the Lord. Whether during times of happiness or during our times of sadness. God is so good to us daily. He has never failed us.

We should bless Him for our lives, health, and strength. We should bless Him, because His mercies are new each day. We should bless Him because He protects us from danger seen and unseen. He provides for us and sends us resources.

We should bless Him, because His love is never ending and though we fail Him daily, He is still full of compassion. We disappoint Him daily, but He still blesses us over and over again. Many times we become distracted and wander down the wrong path, but He is there to take our hand to lead us back down the right path.

We must learn to bless God at all times, because all of the time, He is blessing us. 

Come on and bless the Lord with me today!

About the Author

Janteya Ford≫ ≫ Janteya Ford is a mother, daughter, sister, and friend. She resides in Minneapolis, MN, where you can find her creating memories with her loved ones, dining at a fancy restaurant, sipping espresso at a cozy coffee shop, or checking out art at one of her favorite museums. She is currently pursuing her passions as an entrepreneur through various ventures. Her extreme passion for writing and sharing God's amazing love brought her to Daughter of Delight. She prays that she can be a blessing to all who read.

Blog: Teya Talks www.teyatalks.com


Daily Delight


Daily Delight