Daily Delight

And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully.” - Ephesians 3:18-19a (ESV)

Take a moment to picture this: Daylight suddenly goes dark, as if someone has covered the sun. All jeering, cursing, wailing and weeping that have gone on through the night grow silent. Creation holds its breath, waiting, but for what? Three long hours go by when a booming voice pierces the silence, echoing in the darkness, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:26, ESV) 

While it may sound overdramatic, I have certainly asked God that question before. I’ve had days where it felt like the Lord was nowhere to be found. Maybe you have too. Thankfully, we are in good company. King David, who was considered a man after God’s own heart and from whose family line Jesus came, experienced this too (see Psalm 42:9). The truth is, however, we are not and have never been alone.

Some 2,000 years ago today, Jesus shouted those very words as he hung on the cross. He experienced complete separation from God so that we would not have to. He says in Matthew 28:20, “And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Sister, His love for you is deep and vast. Anything this world has to offer is incomparable to His love. He proved it on the cross.

Reflect on these song lyrics today: 

How deep the Father’s love for us
How vast beyond all measure 
That He should give his only Son 
To make a wretch His treasure. 

How great the pain of searing loss 
The Father turned his face away 
As wounds which mar the Chosen One 
Bring many sons to glory.

I pray that you may experience the love of God in a new way this weekend as we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Savior. May you be overwhelmed by His love, and reminded that you are never abandoned or forsaken.

{photo: @joyfullychristiana}

About the Author

Kira Echeandia
Kira is a recent transplant to the Dallas-Ft. Worth area who is passionate about Jesus, social justice, and baked goods. She loves to travel and can be found in Belgium consuming copious amounts of chocolate about once a year. Her dream is to start a business that incorporates both intentional community and sustainable consumerism but is still praying about what this could look like. Kira is both thrilled and honored to write for Daughter of Delight in this season and looks forward to seeing where her passion for writing will take her.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight