Daily Delight

A few months ago, I heard a few lyrics from the song “Be Born in Me” that has stuck to my heart like glue. “I am not brave. I’ll never be. The only thing my heart can offer is a vacancy. I’m just a girl, nothing more, but I am willing. I am Yours.”
This song was written from Mary’s perspective when she found out that she was going to give birth to our Messiah. Does this responsibility give you as much anxiety as it gave me? How is it possible for a woman to physically bring a child into the world who will be sinless, pure, blameless, and will pay the ultimate sacrifice that would offer us an opportunity to have an eternity unlike any other?
“And Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.’ And the angel departed from her.” (Luke 1:38, ESV)
There was no need in an argument or an anxious thought. She trusted the Lord’s leadership and allowed Him to use her and her gifts to serve Him as the mother of His one and only Son.
How much anxiety, laziness, and complaining would be spared if we believed that what He spoke into motion was good, honest, challenging and true? Would you reconcile with the friend or family member and save the pain and heartache you may be facing? Would you hear His voice and put effort into a new friendship with a co-worker who is searching for someone to love them like Christ loves us?
God knows us best. He knows our limits, our strongholds, and our weaknesses. He calls us to serve Him and to further His kingdom through the power of the Holy Spirit. We’re not alone in the work He is asking us to do. If we step out in faith, there isn’t anything He cannot do with our joyful “yes” and willingness to serve Him.
So, today’s the day! Respond to your co-workers in love and see how they react. Choose to have more patience with the person who may be hard for you to love. Reach out to someone who may need a little more grace. Be diligent in your work this Monday and see how He shows up!
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Daily Delight


Daily Delight