Daily Delight

I have always been afraid of heights. As a Christian, I should put my trust in the Lord to deliver me from my fears and hesitations.

…For it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” 
-Deuteronomy 31:6 
The Christian faith is not about embracing every day, worldly things but rather seeking comfort in Jesus. My fear of heights is something I must quickly dismiss in order to follow in the Lord’s steps, specifically because living as a servant is all about the fall: falling out of routine, away from worldly things, and most importantly, falling in love with the Father. This can be scary; how often have we been hurt or let down by those we love? Have we never felt like tarnished goods or unworthy or unlovable? “For God so loved the world…” (John 3:16). 
Turn away from your insecurities, your doubts and fears; you are cherished and LOVED. Have you ever known of a love where you are perfectly and fully loved? Washed white, perfect and sinless? 
The Father gave up His greatest prize, His son Jesus, unequivocal in all ways to us, as the ultimate sacrifice. It can be scary to approach such a big God or feel worthy of accepting such a gift. Often as creations we seek to play the creator, to grasp at straws in desperation of familiarity and control over the things around us. We believe in vain that our story could be greater than that which the Lord Jesus has prepared for us. But without God we are like a flock of sheep without their Shepherd. 
I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me.” -John 10:14

Our life at its core should be about accepting the love of Jesus Christ and realizing the worth of His death on the cross. He cherishes your heart and is desperately seeking to have His love reciprocated. 
Maybe falling doesn’t seem so scary when there is the reassuring fact that the Father will catch us when we stumble. But fears can never truly be conquered unless you take the first step out of comfort; God will take care of the rest. 
{photo: @collexionplate}

                                                                          About the Author 

Samantha Brooks
 ≫ ≫ Samantha is a native North Carolinian studying Communications-PR. She loves coffee, people, and the joy that worship brings. In her free time, Samantha loves to write and paint. Her very favorite bible verse is Psalm 139:14: I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight