Daily Delight

When I was only sixteen years old my parents were killed in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. I’ve been telling and retelling the story of God’s saving Grace and indescribable comfort in the seven years since. No matter how many times I talk about it, my rescue story still blows even my mind.

And yet, I still allow the enemy to succeed in convincing me that I’ve told it enough over and over and over again.

I constantly find myself either believing or battling against lies from the enemy that tell me that my story isn’t important, that my struggle, my experience, my pain, and my redemption have no purpose.
Like a speech on repeat in my mind, I hear the words, “You’re not the first person to suffer. You’re not the first to lose a parent. You’re not even the first to lose both parents.” And you know what, those words aren’t even lies. They are absolutely true.
But do you know what else is true? It is also true that only I know how I have felt. It is true that only I have experienced God’s comfort and adoption exactly like I have. And it is true that no one’s story is exactly like mine and no one can tell my story like I can.
And no one can tell your story exactly like you can.
Whether yours is a story of tragedy, depression, shame, or all of the above, no one but you can tell your story. And no one but you can reach your circle of influence.
You and I may share the same circumstances and struggles, but both stories still need to be told. Because both happened for a purpose and both can reach an entirely different group of people who are desperate to hear the Good News of Jesus.
The louder the enemy is shouting his lies to keep you silent, the more terrified he is of the influence of your vulnerability.
Keep sharing. Keep speaking. They’re listening. They need you.
And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.” -Revelation 12:11 (ESV)

About the Author

Bethany Boynton
≫ ≫ Bethany is a twenty-three-year-old blogger, newlywed, and book addict living in central Kentucky. There are few things she loves more than having a strong cup of coffee with a good book or a group of girlfriends. Bethany strongly believes in the importance of vulnerability, authenticity, and sharing one's story of God's Love and Grace. To connect with her and learn more be sure to check out the Choosing Jesus Blog at BethanyBoynton.com.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight