Daily Delight

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” -Deuteronomy 31:6

Can you Imagine being Joshua, and listening to Moses speak these words to the Israelites? Joshua was getting ready to take Moses place in the next chapter of the Israelites, and he himself needed all the courage in the world. God had spoken to Him, and had him deliver a message to His people. A message that he knew would throw some of them off, very off. He listened to Moses tell his people that they would have to be strong and have courage because he was not going to be able to continue with them. He was sending them off and was giving them an incredible truth pep talk. Be courageous, stay strong, God has gone before you and is with you. It's going to be ok. They all had to trust. He reminded them- He never fails. Peace in the trials. For he has overcome.

It's incredibly difficult to feel calm, at peace, and in abundance when life is coming at you from all angles. It's hard to step out in faith and to have courage when it all seems to be falling apart. When nothing makes sense, and when your plans and what you thought was, no longer is.

Courage, sweet friends is something that comes once we say "Yes, I trust You". Sometimes, the feeling of courage may not be there at first, but we still must take a step out on faith, and trust that our God is faithful, Good, and will truly never forsake us; that He is never going to leave our side, and that our steps have been ordered; that right there is Good News. 

Courage, in Him, is stronger than anything we could do for ourselves. Courage, in Him, is where we get the Grit to walk out some of the most difficult things in life. His love for us leads to Courage in Him.

So, we step out. We say, "Yes". We say, "Father we trust You, and in Jesus Name, we walk in courage not because of what we can or can't do- but because of who You already are, and what You have already done."

We are daughters of a King. Let's walk in the courage and victory that comes from this beautiful identity. 

{photo: @fromevelynsheart}


Alexandra Hoover

Daily Delight


Daily Delight