Daily Delight

Hallowed. Divine. Sacred. Holy. 
Holiness is not the attribute I think of most often when I think of God. I think of good, kind, merciful, loving and forgiving. Holy is usually not my first thought. But I'm beginning to think it should be. 
Almighty, all-knowing, all-seeing and outside of time. Creator God. The angels do not stop praising and worshipping Him. They literally don't stop. And it's no wonder why. 

He is Holy.
Jesus' blood was needed to reconcile us to the Father. For God to see us as pure and blameless, for Him to allow us back into His presence, we needed to be washed clean. 

He is Holy. 
Mountains tremble, demons flee, waters still at His name. A bush burned without burning, cities were destroyed, a woman turned to salt, a sea parted, a Pharaoh let his slaves go, rain flooded the earth, a virgin gave birth. 
He is Holy. 
At His word nations fall and nations rise. Whole books of the Bible were written to instruct God's people on how to be in or near God's presence and survive. 
He is Holy. 
And He made us holy; His daughters. We are seated with Him in heavenly places. Woah. I need to remember this before bringing Him my laundry list. I need to remember this when I come complaining or worried about the news on tv. I need to bow down to the Holy One. His ways are higher. He is my King and my life is to serve and worship Him. Yet we can boldly enter into His throne room. How amazing is it that He left heaven to make us holy like Him?! Let that sink in. 
Ask God what it means to be made Holy like Him. And ever seek to remind yourself that the One who loves the freckles on your face is also the One who makes the earth tremble. 

For He is Holy. 
"Then He said, 'Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.' And He said, 'I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.' And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God." -Exodus 3:4-6 (ESV)
About the Author
Lauren Klassen≫ ≫ Lauren loves Jesus and was brought up in a Christian home. Her passions are worship, writing and encouraging women. She has been working with YWAM off and on for a few years and feels called to Europe long term. She is obsessed with mountains and a good chai tea latte.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight