Daily Delight

After experiencing a break-up, it can be hard to trust the person who broke your heart. I’m so glad that the times I turned my back on God in rebellion, He didn’t throw me away. He didn’t say, “I can’t love you anymore. You’ve broken my heart.” Instead, He did the complete opposite. He extended His hand so that I could take ahold of it again to walk through this life with Him. 
His love is unconditional, unrelenting, unchanging, unfailing, and if I can add one more—immeasurable. Our finite minds can’t even begin to conceive the love of God. After all, He foreknew our life’s mistakes—past, present, and future, yet He still chooses to love us. “Can anything separate us from Christ’s love?” (Romans 8:35a, NLT). NO! Even in our darkest times when our minds weren’t even on Him, His heart was full of love and compassion for us. “But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners” (Romans 5:8, NLT). 
Who do you know would even dare to attempt such a sacrifice?
Isn’t it amazing that God thought that you and I were worth dying for? He sent His only begotten Son to the Cross to die in our place! That’s love! Jesus “humbled Himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross” (Philippians 2:8, NLT)—a death that was fit for us. But instead, the perfect Lamb died in our place! 
God was thinking of the abundant life and the expected end He has for us and He knew that the only way we could receive it was through the sacrifice of His Son. So He made a way so that we could receive that which He had to offer.
Each day we can think of several ways that God continues to extend His love to us. I’m so thankful for Jesus, the Cross and the blood that was shed for me. As a result, “I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love” (Romans 8:38a, NLT). 
You are loved, Beloved! Bask in His love! 
{photo: @jaydaiye

About the Author

Shameka Nicole≫ ≫Shameka Nicole was born and raised in Mississippi. She currently resides in Georgia with her son and sister. As a published author, she has hopes of reaching so many hurting women through her testimony. She loves writing and enjoys sharing God's truth with others.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight