Daily Delight

There’s a line that I fall short of all the time. Comparison is part of it but that is such a buzz word these days that it’s lost its flavor. I think the real fear for Christians my age is that there’s some huge mysterious destiny God has called you to and it’s up to you to figure it out and make it happen. We’ve identified the constantly moving measuring stick and slapped God’s name on it as if He delights in teasing us. Frustrated, I ask God what He wants me to do, what should I be working toward?
There was a Samaritan woman who asked Jesus the same kind of question. She asked him where the proper place of worship was because she too wanted to get it right and feel like she did enough.
“An hour is coming, and is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers” (John 4:23, NASB).
She was asking for guidelines, a to-do list that she could check off to make God proud. Jesus totally obliterates that and says there’s no guidelines anymore, I want you to worship with all of you, doesn’t matter if you’re on the mountain or the synagogue, what matters is your heart.
I think we can apply this truth to our ‘calling.’ We feel like we have this huge destiny on our life, which is true, but we think it’s this grandiose thing intimidating us to take the first step toward it. We ask for the entire picture so we can do everything right and make God proud in the end. But He’s not asking for that.
God really isn’t all that interested in what you can do for Him, He just wants you. God has given you dreams and talents to use. It may look like a stage and a following for some people and it may not for others. It doesn’t have to match what ‘successful’ people are doing. It’s not about trying to figure out some secret plan God has for you and doing it perfectly.
I’ll end with a nice quote from: "Your destiny is to love God and be loved like Him, your calling is the vehicle you use to show other people."
{photo: @lydiatrudelle

About the Author

Sam Jones

≫ ≫ Sam is a woman with passion for first-love devotion to the Lord who uses creativity to express that devotion and draw others into the same manner of worship. She is fascinated with the God who desires relationship and union and writes openly about this grace. Sam lives in Alabama with her husband and is obsessed with her huge family, finding the perfect latte, and exploring new places.

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Daily Delight


Daily Delight