Daily Delight

I love my garden. God speaks so clearly to me in that little sacred sanctuary. Why wouldn’t He? It all began in a garden. 
The weeds grow ridiculously fast so I pluck, pry and pull them from the root as my Father and I talk back and forth but if I wait to long to maintain them, they can overtake my space and then, I’m overwhelmed.  I've had some unexpected roots come up in other areas of my life that need my attention.
A recent discovery of someone that I offended years ago but she refused to tell me what I did to offend her or accept my apology, has written a book on how to walk in the freedom of forgiveness. Perplexed, baffled and a little miffed, I took it to God. "We have some work here still, right?"  
Some roots of using food to comfort myself emotionally have popped up.  Disappointed and angry with myself, I cry out to God. "I know. I know. We have some work to do here still, huh?"
Fear and failing have seemed to make their way past the garden of my heart. Rattled, emotional and a little tattered, I pluck these weeds and lay them at my Father's feet whispering, "How about I give these to you as well?"
Diminishment has tried to sneak past the front gate but I caught this one in the nick of time. I'm getting my strength back, "thanks for letting me see that before it got ugly."
We don't always see these things coming at us and even with forewarning, they can take us off guard. We think we might be on the other side of them but really, there's usually always a bit of work to do. People keep hurting because hurting people will hurt people and if we're not guarding our hearts, roots will pop up faster than the summer heat will scorch tender leaves that once gave life.  Even when we're guarding, watching, protecting, a few can slither right under the fence and make their way to the apple tree.
I'm working on my own salvation this week with fear and trembling and quite a few tears, to add to scripture. Much like my garden, there will always be work to do. He will always be available. 
I'm done with my pity party, wiping my tears and rolling up my sleeves. Deep breath, I look to the heavens and smile. "Ok, I'm done. Ready to get to work?"
I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? -Psalm 121:1 
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Photo: @byhannahrose

About the Author

Jill Parr
≫ ≫ Singer. Speaker. Writer. Coffee consumer. Wife. Mom. Mimi. Shoe lover. These are some of the things that make Jill Parr who she is. Although she is passionate about all of these, she might be most passionate about helping women walk into their true identity of who it is that God created them to be.
Parr toured the country as a CCM recording artist, playing festivals and churches for over a decade. Never giving up her dream to sing full time, God started moving her in a new direction in 2009. She started speaking to women and singing less, all while wrestling with the idea of this new season.
Parr’s husband, Brian Hardin, founded the Daily Audio Bible in 2006. Parr is the founder of, “More Gathering” that is sponsored by the Daily Audio Bible, annually. (www.moregathering.com)
Jill and Brian live outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with their 5 kids and first grandchild. They travel extensively throughout the year.
In addition to speaking and singing, Jill enjoys shoe shopping, the outdoors, cooking, fashion, music, painting art all while enjoying great coffee.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight