Daily Delight

The way in which we build up relationships is determined through the way we communicate with one another. The health of our interpersonal connections is heavily dependent upon the words we exchange back and forth. The way in which we communicate with God, however, is never an absolute, although we might have tendencies that influence how we interact in this relationship; to insist upon an absolute would negate a transformation—the Holy Spirit within us having been once unreconciled sinners. When we speak intimately with God, do we delight in the fact that we can be heard by the Creator of the universe? Our pleas, praises, thanks, and confessions are not reverberating back against empty space, they are heard by an ever-present savior! 
“Praising God then cannot be built on the quality of our circumstances, but centered on the God of those circumstances, however good or bad they may be." -J.S. Park
In the quiet moments we share with God, are we exhibiting spirits of praise? Do we seethe bitterness? Do we aim to communicate with God at all, probe for any basis of a relationship that isn’t the one-sided call of Jesus persistently pursuing us? 
You don’t have to approach God with false emotions; He craves a genuine connection with us, that’s why we don’t feel the pull of puppet strings—we are liberated to choose Him, as He has already chosen us. A moment of awe I experience is pondering upon the fact that in some religions, only a select few are given authority to worship God at all, all the rest are stagnant in their worth, hoping to be provided the allowance in a future life. 
How freeing knowing that we do not earn our salvation, we are granted the restorative salvation of Jesus Christ openly and can liberally praise His name. “Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning" (Joel 2:12, NIV). 
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8, NIV).
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About the Author 
Samantha Brooks
 ≫ ≫ Samantha is a native North Carolinian studying Communications-PR. She loves coffee, people, and the joy that worship brings. In her free time, Samantha loves to write and paint. Her very favorite bible verse is Psalm 139:14: I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight