Daily Delight

Losing a loved one is like losing a piece of yourself. Where you once felt whole, you now feel broken. A gaping hole replaces part of your heart, and grief settles in like a long-lost friend. You lose sight of normal and wonder if anyone feels the same. You reach for an anchor for your soul and pray the waves of grief don’t knock you overboard.

I look in the mirror some days, barely recognizing the face staring back at me. The words "motherless and fatherless daughter" accompany my thoughts. Eventually, I claim the title “orphan." Others around me affirm this title by recognizing and naming that I am now “the next generation”. The weight of knowing my parents and their generation had passed on became a burden I carried all too willingly.

A year ago, as I sat with a group of women whom I disciple, a shift in what I believed about myself began. The words of John took on a new meaning. Truth began to fill in the remnants of my grieving heart.

"No, I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you. Soon the world will no longer see me, but you will see me. Since I live, you also will live."-John 14:18-19 (NLT)

As I continued to sit in community with these women each Monday night, they pulled me close and began to disciple me. Their love, grace, and willingness to accept my brokenness pointed me to God and His truth time and time again. As the tears flowed, each one provided a stitch in the broken seam of my heart. Who I am is who God says I am. I am His and He is mine (Ezekiel 34:31, NIV).

I won’t pretend to know what grief looks or feels like for you. The broken pieces of your heart may still need mending, and the truth of what you believe may not align with God’s truth. But the title orphan is not yours to claim. God will never abandon you as an orphan. He claims you as His child. Who you are is a beautiful daughter of Christ! May you find comfort and hope in this truth today.

About the Author

Mary Geisen 

Mary Geisen is a lover of coffee and deep, soul-filled conversations. She is the mom of two married sons, a retired teacher, writer, author and seeker of grace in the ordinary. Several years ago, God called her to bravely step out by sharing her journey in written form. The power of God’s words has inspired her journey of healing and drawing closer to God through the power of grace. She continues to walk toward brave faith in her everyday life and encourages others to do the same. 
You can connect with Mary on her blog, www.marygeisen.com or on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/marygeisen/

Daily Delight


Daily Delight