Daily Delight

Consider it nothing but joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials,” (James 1:2, AMP). Trials are inevitable and when we face them, that’s the perfect time to count it all joy. I remember how ridiculous this scripture sounded the first time I ever read it. “How is this an opportunity for joy? I am going through some hard stuff!” It didn’t quite make sense then, especially since I was just beginning my new journey with Christ. But then reality hit!

After having my appendix removed and later finding out my colon was nicked in the process, my life changed completely. That procedure landed me in the hospital for months, having to undergo additional surgeries. It was a very hard time and I remember asking God, “Why me?” The doctors’ reports were negative ninety percent of the time, leading me back to the operating table time after time again. The more I tried to medicate the pain away, the less it worked. Something had to change. That’s when I started praising God for good reports, the turn around, His divine healing and timely discharge.

I learned in those months that I had a reason to rejoice in the midst of what I was going through. That time was the perfect time for joy. God was developing so much in me. He was increasing my level of trust and faith. That was a moment to grow in patience and perseverance, knowing that everything that was going on would work out for my good. I had remember that joy comes from within and not from outward circumstances. Joy comes from inward strength and that strength comes from trusting God.

I want to encourage my sisters that when you find yourself facing a trial, consider it an opportunity for joy. Find that inner strength! Know that God is with you and that He will see you through. I believe everything will work out for your good. Just continue to praise God and trust Him in the process. 

About the Author

Shameka Nicole≫ ≫Shameka Nicole was born and raised in Mississippi. She currently resides in Georgia with her son and sister. As a published author, she has hopes of reaching so many hurting women through her testimony. She loves writing and enjoys sharing God's truth with others.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight