Daily Delight

When God told Sarah that she was going to become pregnant at her advanced age, she naturally responded with a laugh that stemmed from shock and doubt. For many years, she wished to become a mother, and she was unable to do so. She even tried to help God by giving her servant to her husband. but her attempt toward maternity failed. It was only when Sarah surrendered to the reality that there was nothing she could have done to fulfill God’s blessings in her life in her own time, that He delivered His promise to her. 

And Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age at the time of which God had spoken to him.” -Genesis 21:2 (ESV)

I recently found myself doubting the promise found in Philippians 4:19, “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus," because, somehow it seemed that God had forgotten to create a new thing within my current wilderness. But as I read the story of Sarah, I realized that sometimes, in our frustration, disappointment, and anticipation for a new thing, we measure God with the measure of our incredulity and belittle His power. We give up on Him even before giving Him a chance to act in our lives because of our nearsighted vision and lack of faith.

I believe that if I continue to hang tightly to God's promises, He will allow the best and seemingly impossible to take place in my life according to His will and His time. I believe that in the months to come, I will laugh like Sarah at the miracle that will stem from the promise made to me. I’ll not only be laughing at the impossible being made possible by God but also at myself for momentarily toying with the idea that perhaps God had forgotten me when I did not see the immediate answer to my prayers.

{photographer: @maddyhedman}
About the Author

Dentrecia Blanchette

Dentrecia is a creative nurturer from the island of St. Kitts who is learning, growing and evolving with Christ, grace and a smile. She is the Founder of Sugar For Your Heart (@sugarforyourheart) – a ministry that’s focused on creating quiet and safe spaces where individuals can explore and better understand and appreciate emotional and spiritual wellness.

Dentrecia is also a counselling psychology graduate student at California Southern University. She is committed to dispelling the myths and stigma associated with seeking mental health treatment, particularly in the Caribbean and Christian community.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight