Daily Delight

I recently ordered a new pair of glasses. As I put them on for the first time, I was disoriented, had trouble focusing, and seemed dizzy. This wasn’t the clear image I was used to seeing outside of my lenses. I finally figured out my prescription had increased, meaning my eyesight had gotten worse at my last exam. This small change, while it seemed insignificant on paper, created a very significant change in my eyesight. I can’t help but relate this to how we view sin. 

As humans, we can agree we all have flaws. We are imperfect people in an imperfect world.
For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” -Romans 3:23 (NLT) 
Often we continue engaging in sin for selfish reasons and think, "What can this hurt? There are surely worse things I could do. I’m young, this is just normal for my age."
Has anyone ever had or said one of these thoughts? Most likely, your answer is yes. The scary part is, we sometimes can’t see how sin can negatively affect the big picture—our lives and our future. But there is good news, sisters. 

Please remember—we are not alone in our sin and we all struggle. 
Yet God . . . through Christ Jesus . . . freed us from the penalty for our sins.” 
-Romans 3:24 (NIV) 
We deserve death, but we were redeemed. Christ died on a cross for each and every one of us. We can be set free from any sin we are facing. Although it may not be easy, God can set our eyes, and lives, back in focus. 
About the Author

Randa Young

Randa is 26 years old and grew up in the small town of Corbin, KY. She currently resides in Bowling Green, KY with her husband of 4 years. She works as an Office Admissions Associate at her alma mater, Western Kentucky University. In her free time, you can find her at a concert or country music festival. She also enjoys traveling with her family and has a love for fashion.

Amazed at how God has continuously pursued her throughout her life, she has been drawn to learn more about Christ and share her story with others. Since her recent struggle with infertility, she believes by submitting to God’s control and trusting in His plan, our hearts can find peace. Randa’s desire is to help people find comfort and encouragement through her writing while becoming passionate about the love of Jesus.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight