Divine Timing and Trust: What the Story of Lazarus Teaches Us

A woman in a sleeveless top with shoulder-length dark hair is pictured standing in a field holding a lantern filled with twinkle lights in front of her face and the words of John 11:10 are included.

If anything is going to make us rush in this life, surely it would be saving the life of a friend. But not for Jesus. When a messenger arrived to tell Jesus that His friend Lazarus was sick, Jesus confirmed to His disciples Lazarus would die, but that they would wait where they were for a few days and then go to him.

It’s an upside-down response by a man who refused to confine Himself to the expectations and rules of this world.

"Jesus answered, 'Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him'” (John 11:9-10, ESV).

In a Biblical sense, twelve symbolizes something perfectly ordered and governed by God. So, what Jesus is saying here is that there is no rush, not even when death is present, because God sets the timing.

Jesus then speaks to the light of the world. And, as we know, the Light of this world is Jesus. He is the One who keeps us from stumbling (becoming entrapped or drawn into sin or error). When we follow the Light, we do not stumble.

But if one walks in the night, he stumbles, because the Light is not in him. Meaning, if the Light is not in us--if Jesus is not living through us--we stumble and fumble around because we cannot see.

If you feel like you’re stumbling and fumbling around right now, take heart! Even when things don’t appear right on the surface, if Jesus has a place in your heart, He will guide you as you seek to draw near and listen to Him.

His guidance may not look or feel right but keep looking to Him and seeking to be guided by the Light. Ask Him to guide your path. And as you do so, remember: The Lord orders the days and the hours. Truly, there is no rush.

Meet the Author
Joni Boyd

Joni lives in Sydney, Australia with her three grown kids and husband of two years, Nathan.

After being divorced several years ago, Joni is grateful for the healing God has since done in her family and in herself. While she never expected to be divorced or remarried, this season is a precious gift from God and she is grateful for all of it.

Joni is passionate about encouraging women to go deeper with Jesus - so they would know that while life may not be as smooth as we’d like, Jesus is not afraid of the mess, nor does He lack the power to heal and transform.


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