From Homestead to Heaven: Discovering God's Care Through Creation

A beautiful field of wildflowers is shown and the words of Matthew 6:28-29 are included.

When we brought honeybees onto our homestead, we let a big section of our property grow wild. St. John’s wort, Queen Anne's Lace, fleabane, chicory, clover, and many other wildflowers are in bloom and buzzing with life.

Not only is our wildflower patch a feast for our bees, but allowing this section of property to grow wild has other benefits too. The root systems these plants establish help store rainwater in the ground and prevent erosion. Those same roots aerate what was once compact ground, and the continual growth and decay in this area builds soil over time. Not to mention the natural habit this provides for pollinators and small animals, as well as the medicinal benefits many of these plants offer.

I consider the words of Jesus in Matthew 6 when He shares that God provides for our every need. He uses the wildflowers of a field as an example:

“Observe how the wildflowers of the field grow: they don't labor or spin or thread. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was adorned like one of these.” (vv. 28-29 CSB).

If the grass of the field is covered more wonderfully than a king, how much more will God cover us?

Creation testifies to God’s nature (Rm. 1:20). When I consider all the ways creation heals and supports life, I cannot help but see how it mirrors spiritual realities. As Jesus encourages us not to worry about how we’ll be clothed by pointing out the wildflowers of the fields, I understand wildflowers provide so much more than just beauty to an ecosystem— they're part of its vitality.

Likewise, Jesus wants us rooted in faith; to be a dwelling place for God’s presence; to bless those around us; to be a catalyst for healing; and to make this world look more like His kingdom. We’re part of contributing to a thriving ecosystem, and He is the one who will provide the means for its vitality.

His promise to cover us is deeper than what we read at face value. I’d propose it extends to our purpose on this side of eternity. How will history be shaped because we’re a part of the world at this very time? May we rest in His provision and purposes, knowing it will bring glory to His name and make Earth look more like Heaven!

Meet the Author
Mary Kate Brown

Mary Kate and her husband Brian are high-school sweethearts who left their lifelong home in the Chicago suburbs to build their homestead in rural Western Michigan. She's a homeschooling mama of four daughters and a homebody who enjoys making hot breakfasts, working in her garden, and frequenting the local farmers market. After overcoming health challenges due to autoimmunity, her passion is pursuing wholeness beyond her diagnosis. She encourages other mamas to do the same to shape the wellness of their families. 


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