Feasting on Psalm 23: Finding God's Abundant Provision in Times of Need

A woman's hands are pictured with black painted nails as she sits in a coffee shop holding her hot latte and the words of Psalm 23:5-6 are pictured.

Last fall, I spent a month with Psalm 23. Initially, I grew frustrated with the assurance that I had no lack of God as my Shepherd (Ps 23:1), as I was in a season of great need. I realized I was doubting His ability to provide for me and asked God to open my eyes to His provision.

Shortly after, my husband and I were invited to a feast hosted by a theological institute nearby. It was a bitter winter day, that we gathered with women and men who carried various burdens of sorrow, stress, burnout, feelings of lack, and lament. We gathered to remember who we are in Christ: a feasting people.

We ate decadent foods, raised our voices in songs of praise and reliance, and we laughed. It was everything a proper feast should be. The whole time, I kept thinking of Psalm 23:5-6: “You prepare a feast before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever" (ESV).

The Lord God as our Shepherd and our Host does not give us a skimpy meal, and He is not limited in where and how He can provide. Just as Christ promised the woman at the well eternal water to quench her thirst (John 4), He can give abundance, even in the presence of our enemies. The Shepherd that walks with us in the valley of deep darkness (Ps 23:4) can prepare a table for us there. He doesn’t offer us a hollow provision but provides in a way that we can sink our teeth into a tangible hope and assurance of His care.

This is our gospel hope. If you are in a valley, if you are struggling to see how He is leading you by still waters or restoring your soul; if you struggle to trust that He goes with you in your valley, I urge you to start feasting on all He has laid before you in trust and hope! Feast on His Word surely. Truly feast! Gather, feast, and praise His glorious name, and reminisce with others on His care! I know that you will see Him more clearly if you do.

Meet the Author
Stephanie Wilcox

Stephanie is an avid tea drinker, thrifter, and reader. Stephanie and her husband, Brandon, live in the Pittsburgh suburbs with their three children, where they enjoy participating in serving the body of Christ together. In the constant pursuit of delight in the Creator, you can most often find her outside with her kids, with bare toes in the grass, hiking, or pulling weeds out of her mediocre garden.


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