Finding Peace in God’s Provision: How Matthew 6 Can Ease Your Worries

A woman is pictured sitting against a wall holding a sun hat that covers her face in one hand and a stem of flowers in the other hand. The text of Matthew 6:33 is also pictured.

Anxiety was a familiar friend for most of my life, from childhood into adulthood.

It wasn't until my mid-20s that I experienced freedom from anxiety and realized that I did not have to wake up every morning with an elephant on my chest. When you do not grow up in a Christian home, you learn from a young age to fret the "what ifs" because there is no certainty of a God who takes care of you.

In Matthew 6 Jesus brings forward a teaching to combat the anxieties and worries of this world: “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?" (v. 25, ESV)

In verses 31-32, He says, "Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all" (ESV).

We may read over Matthew 6 quickly, thinking that we don't worry about such things, but what about the worry that comes when you don't have enough to pay the bills, put food on the table, or cover your next tuition payment? The Father knows all our needs, but worry and anxiety come quickly to steal our assurance that He will provide.

What have you worried about this week? What fear has brought anxiety to your day?

In Matthew 6:33, we find the key: "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (ESV).

Seeking God's Kingdom first looks like putting Jesus first in our lives. Sure, this can sound simple, but it's a weekly, daily, and perhaps even hourly task for some of us. It means that when fear comes, we look to Jesus to speak to that fear. It means when we love something more than the Lord, we acknowledge our need to fix our eyes on Him. For only the Lord offers the peace we long for.

1. Is there someone in your life that's out of order?
2. Take some time to talk to God. Lay out before Him what it is you are worrying about. Ask for forgiveness where you have put fear ahead of faith.
3. Ask God to show you that He is your provider.
4. Expect Him to show up!

Meet the Author
Allicia Bankuti

Allicia Bankuti lives in Westport, Ontario and has been serving full-time with an inner healing ministry for 12 years.  After walking a journey of healing and restoration in her own life, Allicia realized she was dissatisfied with what the world had to offer and gave up her dream of being in advertising to pursue God full time in ministry. Allicia’s heart is to see people of all ages passionately run after God and to see His love and healing reach a broken world. When she isn’t teaching or ministering, Allicia can be found watching cheesy Hallmark films (seriously, the cheesier the better), photographing weddings or on a basketball court with her wonderful boyfriend and his two amazing boys.


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