Teaching Kids About Christ: The Joy of a Mother's Mission

A little girl is pictured from the back in a checkered dress looking at the ocean in front of her and the words of Matthew 19:14 are included

When my little girl was just weeks old, I remember the joy that struck my heart through the haze of postpartum thoughts of the privilege and responsibility to introduce her to Jesus! I have been joyously tasked with bringing my daughter to Jesus.

Throughout the Gospels, we have records of Jesus’ interactions with children. From these records, we see well-intentioned adults trying to help Jesus by “relieving the burden” from Him having to deal with the simple needs of children. We can learn much from Jesus’ responses to the well-intentioned adults and the eager children.

Matthew records for us one such occasion in Matthew 19:13-15. As those who brought children to Jesus were rebuked by his disciples, Jesus lovingly responded, “Leave the little children alone, and don’t try to keep them from coming to me, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" (Matt 19:14, CSB). Jesus continues to show the value of children by embracing and praying over them.

What a tender picture of care for the most vulnerable and needy. In JC Ryle’s Expository Thoughts on Matthew, he states “Let us begin from (a child’s) very earliest years to deal with them as having souls to be lost or saved, let us strive to bring them to Christ; let us make them acquainted with the Bible, as soon as they can understand anything; let us pray with them, and pray for them, and teach them to pray for themselves.”

The greatest legacy I can leave my little one is Jesus. How can she be acquainted with scripture or be taught to pray if I am not digging into God’s Word and bringing my petitions to Him? Mothers—biological, adoptive, or spiritual—let us teach by example. Let us run daily to Jesus for His embrace and blessings.

J.C. Ryle continues to state, “May we rest assured that Jesus looks with pleasure on such endeavors, and is ready to bless them: we may rest assured that such endeavors are not in vain.”

May we take peace and joy in knowing our labors of bringing our children to Christ will not be futile.

Meet the Author
JoAnna Baird

JoAnna, her husband of 3 years, Daniel, and their one year old daughter reside in Greenville, SC. Her days are filled with the joyful mundane tasks of being a homemaker and mother. She is passionate about pointing others to Jesus through the truths and promises found in His Word.

When time allows, JoAnna dabbles in her hobbies of sewing, baking, thrifting, and gardening. Her ideal day would begin with coffee followed by spending time with family building lifelong memories. 


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