Facing Your Giants with Faith: Lessons from Caleb and the Promised Land

The side of a woman's face is shown as she looks into the light and the words of Numbers 13:30 are shown.

What giant is standing in your way? What mountain are you facing?

It can feel very daunting as a believer to be in a season of life when the Lord is calling you into something, but what you see in front of you looks impossible. I believe that God loves those moments, because not only can He show up for us and build our faith, but He also gets to show others around us His glory!

In Numbers 13 Moses sends out twelve spies to explore the land of Canaan, the land promised to them all. When they return their report shares how full, rich, and bountiful the land is; a land full of milk and honey. However, the men responded in fear to what they saw because the people dwelling there were so large and appeared to be an impossible feat.

Except for Caleb, that is. In Numbers 13:30, he says “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it” (ESV). Caleb's faith was not in the men who would take possession of the land. His faith was in the God who called them to that land in the first place.

Where is your faith placed, sister? Has the Lord invited you to step into something that seems impossible?

If so, know this: He is the God of the impossible. God delights in taking possession of the land in our lives and it's our job to obey and follow Him there. When Caleb and the eleven other spies went to spy out the land, it was because of God's initial instructions to Moses in Number 13:2: “Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites. From each ancestral tribe send one of its leaders” (ESV).

God sent the spies to scout the land because it was His gift to them. However, when the men saw the enemy, they got distracted and afraid. Their fears blinded them to the reality that God would grant them the land, just as He said He would.

Let us be encouraged by this story today. Let us be like Caleb and report to those around us that surely with God, we can do it! Sister, you can do it, because He is with you!

Meet the Author
Allicia Bankuti

Allicia Bankuti lives in Westport, Ontario and has been serving full-time with an inner healing ministry for 12 years.  After walking a journey of healing and restoration in her own life, Allicia realized she was dissatisfied with what the world had to offer and gave up her dream of being in advertising to pursue God full time in ministry. Allicia’s heart is to see people of all ages passionately run after God and to see His love and healing reach a broken world. When she isn’t teaching or ministering, Allicia can be found watching cheesy Hallmark films (seriously, the cheesier the better), photographing weddings or on a basketball court with her wonderful boyfriend and his two amazing boys.


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