God’s Provision in Every Season: Finding Comfort in the Bread of Life

The hands of an older woman are shown preparing a loaf of homemade bread and the words of Psalm 16:6 are pictured.

For someone unable to eat bread I spend a ridiculous amount of time thinking about it. Following an appointment when my doctor told me that giving up grains was necessary to control my chronic inflammation, I resentfully prepared my family's weekly loaf. As I stretched and folded the loaf into something that would provide nearly a week of lunches, the Lord revealed an idol in my heart: bread.

It’s ridiculous, I know. But in my mind, the loss of grain for the rest of my life was worth the pity party I was throwing. In the midst of it all, I found that my true problem was doubt in God’s goodness to care for and provide for my complex health and nutritional needs.

The Lord brought Psalm 16:6 to mind as I wrestled with doubt.

The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup” (ESV).

David penned those words not in a time of plenty and ease but as he lived on the run, hunted by King Saul. He wrote those words when he was in a season of uncertainty and need–when doubt was surely the easier option, he praised God’s provision of his daily needs instead.

In want and hardship, David upheld God as his true heritage, the giver of life, his sustainer, and his inheritance. He recognized God as the present blessing of his life.

David couldn’t have known the assurance that Christ would give hundreds of years later when He promised His followers this John 6:35: “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst"(ESV).

Are you in a season of want and need? Do you wonder if your portion for the day is enough? If so, you’re not alone. You stand with a host of others who look to the Lord for provision and care today. But let us do it as David did, with full assurance of God’s care for His children. Let’s look to Christ as our Bread of Life–confidently waiting on Him for our physical needs, and resting in Him for all the ways He faithfully provides our spiritual needs. Because Christ as our Bread of Life is the assurance that we will always be nourished, sustained, and upheld at just the right time and in just the right way.

He truly is our portion and our cup–and what a complete provision this is!

Meet the Author
Stephanie Wilcox

Stephanie is an avid tea drinker, thrifter, and reader. Stephanie and her husband, Brandon, live in the Pittsburgh suburbs with their three children, where they enjoy participating in serving the body of Christ together. In the constant pursuit of delight in the Creator, you can most often find her outside with her kids, with bare toes in the grass, hiking, or pulling weeds out of her mediocre garden.


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