Hope In Jesus

A night scene with a crescent moon and stars and a girl dancing with the verse Jeremiah 32:17

Sometimes, it feels as though we are internally pressed or crushed beyond what we are able. If you’re anything like me, the temptation to seek distractions is easier than depending on the Lord for strength and hope.

It’s difficult to turn to the Lord when we feel our fingertips are too short to grasp hope. When we can’t change our circumstances, we feel shame when coming before the Lord for strength.

But I’m here to tell you, sister in Christ, nothing is too hard for the Lord. (Jer. 32:17, 27; Lk. 1:37) This doesn’t mean God will indefinitely end your suffering. It doesn’t mean God will give you what you want, either. Instead, this powerful statement reveals the capability of our God who is in the midst of our struggles, pain and even joyful moments.

Instead, when you feel things are too hard or impossible, the Lord promises if we’re weary he will give us rest. (Mt. 11:28) The Lord promises to give us wisdom if we ask of it. (Jam. 1:5) The Lord promises to give us comfort in all troubles, because he is the God of all comfort. (2 Cor. 1:3-4)

God cares about you, even in the midst of our anxiety and troubles. (1 Pet. 5:7)

When we pray “your will be done,” or “create a new heart in me,” we’re not asking God to provide an easy life. We’re letting God transform us inwardly, which will soon be expressed outwardly through praise and good works.

Christ was tempted. He felt agony.

In the Scriptures, Christ depended on his Father. He knew that nothing was impossible with God even in the midst of His will and the challenging moments, which, for him, was the reality of dying on the cross for the salvation of all of us.

Perhaps you feel as if you’re being crushed beyond what you are able to bear. Perhaps you want your troubles to end. As the tears continuously soak the hope-filled pages of your Bible, remember nothing is too hard for our God.

He has given us our true hope. Our true strength. Our true reason to live freely and abundantly even in the midst of our pain and troubles: Jesus Christ.

I encourage you to reflect on 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 and Jeremiah 32:17 this week. There is hope because of Jesus.


Ashleigh is a 21-year-old writer saved by God's grace. She lives in Peoria, IL, but she longs to live in Maine. She has always loved to write, and she desires that her words bring people to the feet of Jesus to find hope. Ashleigh enjoys serving the Lord by uplifting others through baking, writing and sending out encouragement cards.

With her desire to work in college ministry to reach young adults with the Gospel, Ashleigh hopes to pursue a master’s in Theological Studies in the near future. In the meantime, she works at her local church daycare during the week and hopes to volunteer more now that she's a recent college graduate. She also enjoys reading, baking, crocheting and an occasional hike.

You can connect with her on instagram here.


God is With Us, Always


God is the Only One Who Satisfies