Joyfully Spreading the Word

Please note: I received a free e-book from Crossway in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are 100% my own.-Elle Cardel, Daughter of Delight Founder

Joyfully Spreading the Word:

Sharing the Good News of Jesus

What an encouraging read!I loved that each of the chapters were written by women, for women. I also enjoyed how the authors creatively sectioned off the book into biblical appreciation (the WHY behind sharing our faith) and practical application (the HOW to do it). There is so much power in sharing our stories and experiences. It's what brings us together! This book is the perfect example of that.This book is also an easy read. Some theological books take a while to get through or are simply too difficult to finish. This book is not that. It really is enjoyable.I’ll definitely be recommending this to friends and family!You can purchase Joyfully Spreading the Word: Sharing the Good News of Jesus here!


Daily Delight


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