Doubting Your Salvation

Open Bible on a white comforter with the verse 1 Peter 2:24. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.

There is a common experience some of us Christians have had, and that is one of doubting our salvation.

How could God love me? Surely I’ve messed up too many times.

But sister, those God saves, He saves forever. If God has made you His child, He’s not going to kick you out of His family. He doesn’t disown us, He calls us His own. (Phil. 3:12)

Perhaps you’ve doubted your salvation because you still struggle with sin. The thing is, all believers still do. The only time we will be sin-free is on the other side of eternity. Being saved doesn’t mean we won’t ever sin again. It means we aren’t slaves to it — and that we have a hope for a future forever with Him.

If you are in Christ, you will always be in Christ! (John 6:37, 14:1-6, 15:16; Romans 6:1-7, 8:30)

Here’s a truth you can hold tight to: You have been given a new heart. Your heart of stone has been replaced with a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:26) You are truly alive now! This is where your hope comes from.

If you are not in Christ, I pray that God would grant you His salvation and open your eyes to the truth of the gospel.

Christ was sent by God the Father to make an atoning sacrifice for your sin, now and forever. What’s done is done, He can never die again (Romans 6:9). For those He ordains, He grants eternal life and freedom from sin.


Rachel is a 23-year-old wife, writer, and student of God’s Word. She graduated with a bachelors in Biblical Studies from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in May 2022. Rachel shares her passion for all things biblical on her Instagram, Simple Bible.

Rachel and her husband, Jacob, live in southern Missouri with their three cats. They are devoted to their local church and love to serve in a variety of ways. Rachel enjoys hand lettering, singing, and Jane Austen films.

Connect with her on Instagram here!


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