How to Bear the Unbearable

My dad is dying.

My brain refused to accept or connect those words. With each step I took in the early morning on the paved trail near the rolling creek, my feet felt like heavy blocks of cement as the unimaginable thought of my father's presence absent from this earth resonated in my body. A steady stream of tears rolled down my face, and I silently screamed to God, “Why my dad, Lord, why?”

I know that was a selfish question; I had several friends who lost their parents, and I was not unique. Even my dad wasn't asking God why and he was the one battling T-cell Lymphoma.

My battered spirit begged God to answer how I would bear the unbearable. I could see my father slipping away, and with him, my faith was slowly slipping away, too. I came across a huge tree lying sideways with its roots visible. The roots were tangled and decayed, and the sight of it stopped me in my tracks. Why had this tree fallen and the others thrived? At that moment, God spoke to my heart. The tree's roots had decayed; without healthy and firm roots, it could not stand. The Lord answered my question. I had to remain rooted in Christ; only then would my faith be strengthened to endure this trial.

Colossians 2:6-7 says, "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness" (NIV).

In my dad's darkest days, he drew upon the spiritual food of God. Although his body was in a state of decline, his spirit was not. His roots in Christ remained firm and flourishing. Our human strength is no match for some of the unfathomable trials we face, but through the power of Christ, we can withstand the storms of life. Jesus fully equips us with everything we need to stay rooted in Him. My sister, let your roots drink in the living water of God's Word. It will keep you built up in Christ and breathe life into your withering roots so that you can withstand the strongest storms. Thanks be to God.


Chere Williams loves Jesus and is passionate about encouraging women to live on purpose and open their hearts to the big, beautiful life God has in store for them. She takes great joy in her blog and podcast, Faith, Coffee, & a Kid.

She has a heart for single moms and is the creator of the Single Moms of Faith, Burning Bright, Not Burning Out Conference. Chere enjoys life in Takoma Park, MD, with her amazing sixteen-year-old daughter, Anya, and their adorable Shorkie, Winter.

In her spare time, she loves international travel, hosting family and friends, catching a good movie, writing, volunteering, spontaneous road-tripping, and drinking a delicious cup of coffee!

You can learn more on Chere's Instagram here.


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