Rest Your Anxious Heart

I must be missing something.

Mundane days stack up during the week and I struggle to see the ways that God uses me in them. My goal oriented personality wants to cross off something, anything meaningful that I’ve taken part in. Yet, I can’t quite grasp what God is doing and what His purposes are. I feel that I’ve entirely missed something. Work has been routine and the people I’ve been loving-on and speaking truth to aren’t ready to jump into what Jesus has to offer.

This is not supposed to be happening when I am in my Bible regularly, finding time with Him, and feeling Him near – right? At least this is what I find myself thinking in the moment.

I want purpose in my life, I want to be used so that people come to know Jesus. So, why does it feel like life is standing still? There is an absence of something and a hope for something not yet seen.

God, where are you moving? Where are you working?

Our questions are always more desperate until we stop to rest our anxious hearts before Him. Peace comes in the waiting, when Jesus brings perspective, and then the questions begin to shift.

What if ministry sometimes feels slow?
What if it’s more important to Jesus that we trust Him with our day, even if we think nothing of eternal worth is happening in it?
What if leading people to know Jesus looks like loving them one day at a time?
What if we never see the fruit of our prayers?
What if we are right where we are supposed to be in the waiting?

Can we be okay with that?

Psalm 130:5 says “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope” (ESV).

In some seasons, Jesus wants to cultivate a deeper faith in His unsearchable ways, in His divine plans and wisdom that are yet to be revealed. He wants us to trust that He is a good Father, with good plans, and we can depend on Him to steer the course of our lives. Even in the waiting.

He brings the purpose we long for. His Word is enough for us. He plants us where He will use us. Sometimes our call is for diligence, faith, and patience.

“This God - his way is perfect: the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.” -2 Samuel 22:31


Arika Pischel resides in Pullman, WA, with her husband Robert, where they are in the process of building their first home. She’s a software engineer, coffee drinker, and national-park adventurer. In her free time you can catch her drinking americanos, consuming all things literature, including fantasy, poetry, and theology, and swimming, biking, and running (yes, cardio!).

She first began believing in Jesus during her sophomore year of college at Washington State University, and has been avidly exploring her Bible ever since. She loves spending time with her church family throughout the week and is passionate about God’s plans for her life. Her favorite things are to share the amazing work Jesus has done in her life and encourage others in their faith. 

You can connect with Arika on Instagram here.


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