Where Do You Spend Your Time

If you have an iPhone, you are likely familiar with the “doo-doo-doot” sound that alerts us on Sunday.

A purple icon pops up on our phones to kindly inform us how much time we spent that week staring, scrolling, and swiping on our phones. Some weeks we are encouraged to see a percentage decrease. Other weeks, we are shocked by the astronomical increase of time glued to the device. If you are like me, I have developed resentment for this weekly notification. However, I recently realized the feeling of resentment was actually conviction.

My friend keeps her Bible with her and when she is bored or instinctively reaches for her phone to scroll, she picks up her Bible first. An interesting exercise. What if our Bible remained physically as close to us as our phones? What if we reached for the Word before our phone?

God seeks true intimacy with us through His word and prayer. James 4:8 tells us, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you" (NIV). Draw near. Jesus is our number one example of the importance of drawing near to God. We see in Luke 6:12, "One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God” (NIV).

Furthermore, Jesus paints a clear picture with vines and branches as to why we are unable to live apart from the Father. He says, "If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned" (John 15:5-6, NIV).

Jesus provides this graphic illustration of the damage our hearts endure when removed from His intimacy. Our phones may provide the weekly statistics on how little time we spend with God, but our hearts are the real barometer. Hearts hidden in God remain full with peace and faith - a picture of God's love ready to pour out on others. Spending time with God fosters a light within us that overcomes tempting screen time.

What percentage will you give God this week?


Marissa Tarantino currently lives in New York City, though she grew up in East Tennessee. In both places she has worked in children’s ministry to help kids meet Jesus. She values having a deep, personal relationship with the Lord and letting His voice guide her steps in life.

Marissa works as a Tax Consultant, but has always loved writing. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring New York City, drinking coffee, and reading a good book. However, Marissa’s main joy is spending quality time with family and friends!

You can learn more on Marissa’s Instagram here.


God is the Only One Who Satisfies


Rest Your Anxious Heart