Lamb of God

Daughter of Delight | Blogs for Women | Christian Women Inspiration | Christian Women's Ministry | Women's Devotional | Devotional for Women | Christian Quotes | Christian Women | Bible Verse Graphics | Online Women's Ministry | Blogs for Christian Women  Imagine for a minute, that you are no one of any real significance. You don’t have a fancy house, clothes, lifestyle, or a pocket full of cash. You don’t sleep in a bed, you sleep on the grass next to your sheep.

A Necessary Profession

Being a shepherd isn’t a glamorous profession, but it’s a necessary one. Especially a couple thousand of years ago when sheep were essential. Not for warm sweaters and blankets, but as sacrifices. For every one of your screw-ups, mistakes, and hang-ups, a sheep paid the price for you.You always had job protection, because there was always a demand.


But imagine for a minute, that one night you awake to a total stranger hovering above you, glowing and saying, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people" (Luke 2:10, ESV).He tells you a baby has been born in the nearest village. But not just any baby. The Messiah. The promised Savior you’ve been waiting for.


But, why you? Why didn’t they tell someone more notable, more worthy, more prestigious first? Why a lowly shepherd like you?You hurry to find a baby not born in a palace to the royal family, wrapped in the finest silks. No, you find a baby born to a young virgin mother and her carpenter fiancé, wrapped in simple cloth in an animal trough.

Why would such a significant baby be born in such an insignificant way? Why would such significant news be first told to such insignificant people?

Lamb of God

Look closely, there’s beauty in the fine print: shepherds beholding the birth of a new lamb. The Lamb of God. The all-powerful Savior born to die for them. Not just for the elite, the rich, the other half. The Lamb of God came for the lowly, for the weak, for the shepherds sleeping next to the sheep. The Lamb of God came for all.The most powerful One came in the most humble way so that all are invited to know Him. This is our Good News.Imagine for a minute, that you are no one of any real significance. But because of one Holy night, you now know the Significant one.


Did you enjoy "Lamb of God"? Find more encouragement from Meghan here!Want more? Check out this week's podcast episode, "The Coming of Christ," here

Author of "Lamb of God"Meghan Mellinger

Meghan works with college students by day and writes meaningful/silly stuff by night. Her goal is to use her unique voice to share God’s truth in a relevant and real way to our generation of young adult women.
Meghan lives amongst the cacti and mountains of Phoenix, Arizona. “Wanderlust” should be her middle name as she spends her free time traveling and exploring God’s creation, chasing joy-giving moments with friends, laughing loudly, and buying yet another pillow she doesn’t actually need for her apartment.



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