Call on Christ

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With Christmas on the forefront of our minds, it can be so easy to be overwhelmed by the “should haves” of the season, where things fell short.

What we saw in the fall in Genesis never stopped; we are still living that today. The sin that entered the world then is the sin that leaves this world in brokenness.

Enter: Jesus

God knew the effects that sin would have on the world. Enter: Jesus. God sent His very own son down to us to bridge the gap that no man ever could. Jesus was born and subsequently lived to die to pay the ultimate price for each of us. Death is defeated, and Christ has won; that has not changed, even now.

Although the “should haves” can be overwhelming, there is one thing I know: Jesus died for my salvation, and I would be remiss to not spend every day spreading that joyful news any way I can.

Romans 10:17

Nicolaus Zinzendorf put it this way: “Preach the gospel, die, and be forgotten.” It is written on a note that hangs on the wall right next to my pillow. Every morning, I am reminded that God woke me another day to fulfill His purpose. I never know what that will look like exactly, but I do know one thing: the core of that purpose is to preach the gospel. As Romans 10:17 puts it: “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (ESV).  Whatever else happens is simply the minutiae of God’s plan playing out, for His glory.

Call on Christ

I don’t know what your Christmas will look like. I’m still unsure of what mine will, as things seem to change so rapidly, often without warning. However, if there’s one thing to focus on amidst the chaos, it’s what we find at the heart of Christmas:

For the Scripture says, ‘Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.’ For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For ‘everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’” (Romans 10:11-13, ESV).


Did you enjoy "Call on Christ"? Find more encouragement from Cynthia here!Want more? Check out this week's podcast episode, "The Coming of Christ," here

Author of, "Call on Christ"Cynthia Johnson

Cynthia is a 23-year-old artist and writer living in Southern California. She has a heart for Jesus and sharing the same encouragement and hope with others that she has received from Him. In her spare time, she loves to roller skate, read, and spend time with her loved ones. You can find her on Instagram here, and catch up with her on her blog here

Lamb of God


To Know Jesus