To Know Jesus

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There is not much debate in the world today as to whether Christmas to the Christian is the celebration of the birth of Christ.

Sadly, when we define Christmas as the day we celebrate God entering the world in the “likeness of man” or “in the flesh,” not even all “professing Christians” agree. We must be sure that the message we share is that Christmas celebrates the long-awaited coming of the God of Salvation and the most astonishing manifestation of all of God’s glory.

The Glory of God's Goodness

John Owen sets apart the glory of God’s goodness in willing Jesus’ birth, saying, “in all other effects of His goodness He gives of His own, herein He gave of Himself, in taking our nature upon Him.” The glory of God that is now beheld in the face of Christ is the greatest of all His manifestations. So, great is the glory revealed in Christ that the angels cover their faces before His throne while declaring His glory. (Isaiah 6:2) Jesus’ coming, suffering, and subsequent glories are that into which the angels long to look. (1 Pet 1:10-12)

Truly God and Truly Man

The Scriptures and the Holy Spirit teach that Jesus “is the image of the invisible God” and “in Him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell” (Col 1:15, 19, ESV), He is truly God and truly man, the eternal Word of God that became flesh and dwelt among men. His glory is described as one being of “the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14, ESV). He is the fulfillment of every promise given by God. His name “Immanuel” declares Him to be “God with us.”

To Know Jesus

To know Jesus is to know that He is God. He said it plainly to Philip in John 14:9: “Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father” (ESV). Dear Sister, let us hasten and hold fast to God’s word this season. Let us approach Him there prayerfully with a desire to know Him better, remembering that all Scripture bears witness of Jesus. (John 5:39) For knowing the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent does not simply give us eternal life, but rather, [is] eternal life. (John 17:3)


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Author of “To Know Jesus”Kristina Willis

Kristina is a 30-year-old gracefully broken Christ-follower! She’s a newlywed, if you consider 3 years of marriage to still be “new,” and is over-the-moon excited about the opportunity to write for DOD.
Kristina lives in Atlanta, GA and having relocated just over a year, she’s thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to experience all 4 seasons as they roll by! Originally from the Bahamas, where it’s primarily hot year ‘round, it’s been a nice change.
A sweet cup of coffee always puts a smile on her face along with a good workout!
You can find her on Instagram here and join the Daughter of Delight family here.



Call on Christ


The Truth About Following Jesus